What we are
Like all U3As, we are what our members want us to be.  If you are retired or not in full time employment and want to take up new or neglected interests, U3A is probably what you are looking for.
Join our Meetings
We have a monthly meeting on the first Friday of every month.  We meet at the Methodist Rooms in Tower Hill, starting at 2.00pm,  Usually there is a speaker but, occasionally, we have other activities.
Other activities at Tower Hill
Othere activities at the Methodist Rooms include Table Tennis, a Quiz, a Computer Help Group, Family History, Healthy Aging and Classical Music Appreciation.  The Gardens group usually meets on the third Wednesday of the month, often with a speaker.
Activities in members' Homes
We have two language conversation groups, French and German, both of which meet twice a month.  We also have an Opera Appreciation group and Busy Fingers, both of which meet once a month plus a beginners' Ukulele group that meets twice a month.
Help us Grow
We need new members to help us to grow back to the vibrant community that we were prior to the pandemic.  With your help, we can all experience a richer, more worthwhile life.
Third Friday Meetings
We have another monthly meeting on the third Friday of every month.  The Third Friday meeting is also at the Methodist Rooms in Tower Hill, starting at 2.00pm.
Activities Elsewhere
The Bookworms Group meets every two weeks at Hessle Kitchen and Singing for Fun meets every week at Our Lady of Lourdes.  The Painting and Drawing group meets once a month at Hessle Community Centre and both the Literature and Writing Groups meet at Hessle Town Hall.
Activities in the Great Outdoors
The Walking Group meets at various locations. depending on where the walk will be.  We also have an allotment group, which doesn't have any formal meetings, but members get together at their allotments.